What is the value of time? For patients living with a life-limiting illness, time is often viewed as more precious than anything else. So, giving the gift of one's time as a volunteer may be considered the greatest of treasures. After all, building human relationships through sharing companionship and talents is a great expression of love.
Volunteers are an essential part of a hospice team. In fact, hospices originally began as volunteer programs- neighbors caring for neighbors physically, emotionally, and spiritually. In today's world hospices are more sophisticated holding licensure and accreditations which align with the Medicare Hospice regulations. But, despite the formal processes, the underlying tone of hospice still revolves around care and personal interactions.

April is National Volunteer Month and the perfect time to promote volunteer opportunities with Advanced Hospice. Community members are invited to join our team. Although all areas of volunteer support are encouraged, patient support volunteers generally receive the greatest satisfaction in their roles. These volunteers are trained to provide companionship, respite for caregivers, run errands, or to simply be present.
At Advanced Hospice, we welcome community members to share in our mission. Join the Advanced Hospice Team today by calling 412-710-7300 or by clicking this link:
